Sunday, March 04, 2007 |
Demon kanji |

This kanji means Demon,,,Evil spirit.
Kanji of the first character means "evil,badness,vice,wickedness" Kanji of the second character means an "a devil; an evil spirit; evil influence ."
Demon is [Akuma] in Japanese. |
@ 9:53 PM  |
Friday, December 15, 2006 |
ascii art |

The bottom ASCII art is "rice ball." |
@ 9:16 AM  |
grammar is different |

As for Japanese and English, grammar is different.When erson got angry, language progressed by having given up language instead of being a stone.So we can talk now.thank you language. |
@ 8:56 AM  |
Monday, November 06, 2006 |
Kanji simbol design |
 What Chinese character do you like? What Chinese character do you request from my site? Please tell me. This kanji means the demand. I want to learn what kanji you are demanding.
You demand kanji symbol?kanji tattoo?kanji your (my) name?you can learn kanji. |
@ 7:45 AM  |
Sunday, November 05, 2006 |
My new blog |
True Report
The mass communication in Japan doesn't report the news that should be informed the people.
Therefore, I carry the news to you. |
@ 6:35 AM  |
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 |
Kanji design and kanji tatoo ,,kanji simbol |

In what kanji and Chinese character are you interested? Birth of kanji and Chinese character? Chinese kanji and character design? Tattoo of kanji and Chinese character? Clothes and hat of kanji and Chinese character. Tiger?Soul?Samurai?Love? Please say to me if you are interested about the kanji and Chinese character even a little. I am taught by you a variety of about the kanji and Chinese character.
But I am Japanese.I do not know chinese character well.But I know kanji and I can tell you kanji well.
 this kanji means thanks.thank you for visiting my blog! |
@ 3:10 AM  |
Thursday, October 19, 2006 |
I and you kanji Kanji. |
 | There are a lot of words that express "I" and "You" in Japanese. Japanese doesn't change though English changes into "I" and "My" by the usage. The purpose of a lot of expressions' there though the expression doesn't change by the usage is to express individuality.When working, most people say "watashi" by himself/herself. It is free what whether to call me in usual life. When I talking with my friend, I call me "ore". When talking with teacher, I call me "boku". Because it is impolite to say to higher ranking people "ore". Generally, "ore" and "boku" are words that a man uses. The woman calls herself "watashi". If you will come to Japan,you should remember these kanji. When the other party is called, "anata" is a beautiful expression . "omae" is a dirty expression. If you say "omae" to scary person,you grow serious.
@ 5:31 AM  |
Japanese cities Kanji kanji |

thise kanji mean japanese city. [Hiroshima][Nagasaki][Nigata] [Tokyo][Kobe][Osaka][Yokohama][Hokkaido] [Nagoya][Aichi][Fukuoka][Kyoto] Maybe you know some kanji,,,ah,,Tokyo!Osaka!Kyoto. I live in Kobe.Can you find Kobe's Kanji?please remember Kanji. If you want to more kanji,please ask me""Hey!Tell me more more kanji!!"Okey! |
@ 5:20 AM  |
Saturday, October 14, 2006 |
This Kanji means the mental concentration. |
 | This Kanji means the mental concentration.Person can concentrate by uniting the spirits.This Kanji is my favorite Kanji.It is convenient to write this Kanji in the note.If you see this kanji when you cannot concentrate, you will be able to concentrate.I feel the power of something in this kanji.What do you feel in this Kanji? |
@ 11:40 PM  |
[love] Kanji's art |
I had introduced the Kanji of "Love" to you before. Love is said [Ai] in Japanese.Yes,,"Ai" is the same pronunciation as "I". I introduce the design of an interesting Kanji and English to you. |
 | This kanji means[I am samurai] | |
@ 11:26 PM  |
bushido kanji |
I introduced the kanji named Bushido to you.I often make Kanji design. It introduces the design of the Kanji of Bushido that I made today. |
 | This Kanji design drew the bushi's mysterious image.Most is the same as the bushi as the samurai. |
This Kanji design drew the bushi's scary image.Bushi offers the life and protects one's family. How much do you know about Samurai and Bushi?I teach you Samurai and Bushi later. Please look forward. |
@ 11:09 PM  |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 |
tiger of kanji |
This is my design of kanji.this kanji is my favorite.this kanji is said [tora]. maybe you say Tiger.do you like this kanji?? |
@ 5:57 AM  |
Monday, October 09, 2006 |
Strongest and weakenst Kanji |
 | this kanji means Strongest.Most strong.This kanji is sait[Saikyo].If you are not strongest person,you should not say [I am Saikyo!!!].Attention is necessary for using this Kanji. :) :p |
 | this kanji means weakest.These are opposite Kanji.If I am defeated because of the fight, this Kanji is used.This kanji said[Saijaku]
Strongest [Saikyo] Weakest [Saijaku]
You should not use this Kanji for a strong person.
@ 4:53 AM  |
Kanji of Kanji |
 This kanji means kanji. :) You know this kanji?this is kanji.This kanji has the meaning named kanji. However, this word might be called a Chinese character than kanji.The Chinese character was introduced from ancient China to Japan.Peculiar a lot of kanji to Japan exists now.If both China and Japan are learnt if you are interested in kanji, it is interesting.Kanji has the meaning. The alphabet doesn't have the meaning.Therefore, kanji is interesting.If you want to learn Kanji, I teach you Kanji with pleasure.I like Kanji.I love kanji. My favorite kanji is my name. |
@ 4:43 AM  |
Friday, October 06, 2006 |
thanks kanji |

| This kanji means [thanks].To whom have you expressed gratitude? this kanji is read as Kansya.kansya is thanks.Okey?Do you understand this kanji?

| This Hiragana means [thank you].this hiragana is read as [arigatou].Thank you is Arigatou.I like these Kanji and hiragana.What kanji and hiragana do you love the best?And what English do you love best? |
@ 5:21 AM  |
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
Fighting spirit |

| This Kanji means the soul to fight.When you are holding out something, you have a fighting spirit.this kanji is my favorite.When I am learning business administration, I have the fighting spirit.When do you burn the fighting spirit?Please recall this Kanji at such time.
@ 4:39 AM  |
Monday, October 02, 2006 |
Foreigner like Samurai? |

I think foreigner love Samurai the best.Do you like this Kanji? Have you watched [Last Samurai?] Yes,this word is Samurai of Kanji!! Samurai is warrior. Please Love Samurai and the Kanji. |
@ 4:51 AM  |
Saturday, September 30, 2006 |
[Countries]Kanji. |
We write country by Kanji.Japan,Frans,UK,etc...Please ask me if you want to know your country of Kanji. Kanji is cool.And japanese symbol. Thank you. |
@ 3:01 AM  |
Love of Kanji |
 | This Kanji might possibly be your favorite.Maybe you know this Kanji.This word means Love!!please say [ai].ai is Love.Do you love anything?Please love nature,earth,lover,yourself.Do you like this Chinese character?
 | This picture was made by me.This is Love art.I designed this Kanji art.Red of zeal and blood was imaged.I think Love[ai] is very good.Please like this Kanji art.
What you name?If you ask to me,I think that how to write your name of Kanji. for example,your name is Tom.Tom of Kanji There are various Chinese characters named other Tom.Because various pronunciations are in the Chinese character.I teach you the Kanji suitable for your name in some measure.Please choose what you liked from among that. |
@ 2:03 AM  |
Friday, September 29, 2006 |
Beautiful Chinese character |
| These Kanjis mean beautiful.Yes,you know.These ward are made by Kanji + Hiragana. Do you know Hiragana?The hiragana is a peculiar character to Japan. Say[utsukushii][utsukushi-] |

| These Kanjis mean woman.Are you woman?you man?The man should say "you are beautiful!!" to the woman.Even if you do not think so. ;) Say [Josei]
 | These Kanjis means Beautiful Woman!!Are you beautiful?or not?Maybe it is difficult for you to learn Kanji(Chinese character) and Hiragana same time. Say [utsukushii josei] |

| These Kanji is an idiom of beauty. The meaning of this Kanji is almost same as beautiful. Say[birei]
@ 6:30 AM  |
Kanji-Hiragana-Katakana |
 You can say [Tora]. The left is a Kanji,the center is a hiragana, and the right is a katakana. Are you interested Kanji or Hiragana or Katakana? If you hope,I can tell you your name of Hiragana,Katakana. The Chinese character has the meaning respectively. As for mending, an English name is difficult in the Chinese character. But If you want to know your name of Kanji,I try find your name of Kanji. It is possible to look for the Chinese character by thinking only by the pronunciation. For example,,,your name is Tom.
 Maybe your name is this.[tomu] This word mean riches; wealth; a fortune,make [amass, pile up, build up] a fortune; grow rich. Very nice word.
@ 6:19 AM  |
Kanji |

Do you know this Kanji?I like this Kanji.This character has the meaning of tiger.Please say this ward [tora].Yes,[tora] is Tiger.Do you like tiger of Kanji? |

This word is Dragon.Dragon is wirriten by Kanji.[Ryu] is Dradon.Okey,Do you understand about Kanji? I tell you Kanji of Japan.A long time ago,China teach Japan Kanji and Japan made Kanji of themselves. And Japan has three words.Kanji,Hiragana,Katakana.I'll tell you soon. |
http://friendfriendfriend.blogspot.com/ The Friend is a lot of treasures!! |
@ 5:56 AM  |